Indie Press Month 2025
IPC will celebrate our second-annual Indie Press Month in March 2025! We’re providing marketing assets for bookstores and indie publishers, and promoting a list of promotional titles from IPC member presses.
Bookmark bundles will be available to stores for pick-up at Winter Institute. We’re sorry we don’t currently have the ability to mail bookmarks to individual stores.
$500 for the winning display by an independent bookstore
$50 in co-op for the first five stores to post to instagram on march 5 with #indiepressmonth (tag us @indiepubs)
Indie Press Month Display Contest for Bookstores
How to Participate
Create an in-store display for March (40% of titles displayed should be Indie Press Month Display titles; all should be indie presses—see our member list!)
Make a social media post (use #indiepressmonth and tag us on Instagram @indiepubs)*. First five posts on March 5 will receive $50 co-op marketing funds.
Participating store list will be featured in media/social media by Shelf Awareness, Independent Publishers Caucus, and the Independent Bookseller, and included on March 5 press release to all media outlets
Continue to support independent presses all month (but also year-round!)
Questions, ideas, marketing asset requests?
Let us know at!
*IPC currently only uses Instagram. If you want to post a TikTok, please do, but for the contest post we’ll be focusing on Instagram.